Tuesday, June 12, 2012

5 weeks

LOL this is totally how I feel right now. I might be considered the annoying patient but I hated the idea of waiting TWO weeks for a doctor to confirm things. So I called a different office, who sent me back to the original office. All I wanted was a blood test :\ You would think someone somewhere could have just written up some orders to let me have it drawn to just CHECK things. So now I will be meeting some nurse practioner on friday. Nothing against them, it's just not Kassis, but I should still have my appointment with her the following Friday. 

This pregnancy seems to already be starting different. I do NOT remember bring this bloated with the other two! I already feel like I'm 9 months pregnant. I tried some lemon water to flush things, but ya that did nothing. So I will cope. I also am having some pukey feelings. Usually later in the day. But the fact I have been  having trouble sleeping could be making that worse I think :\ So we will see what the coming weeks bring. 

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