Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Morning--rather Afternoon sickness

So there really is NOTHING humorous about nausea :\ It seems to be getting worse by the flipping day. What once was just for a little while in the late afternoon is turning into most of the night. And I forgot to get gum today while I went shopping :\ It's now 10 and I still feel sick since like 2 this afternoon...looks like I get blessed with it this pregnancy...which is making me think boy but Em is convinced we are going to have a sister, but she also keeps telling me to bring baby Autumn home...so she doesn't quite get the baby is in ME yet, lol.

On the upside i did purchase what I think might make a really cute outfit for a series of photos for my belly shots :) So stay tuned :) lol.

And how's mom doing?
Choo choo! The same lame symptom train has arrived in Puke Town for up to 80% of pregnant women this week!To lessen your symptoms, buckle down and focus on cleaning up your diet. Skip greasy spicy foods, drink lots of water, eat several small meals throughout the day, take plenty of naps.
If you're like most pregnant women, you'll be feeling the typical oh-so-fun nausea kicking in some time this week. If you don't, then chances are you're in the clear - but don't blame us if we're wrong! There are always a handful of women who are officially morning-sickness late-bloomers with two weeks more to go before the nausea sets in.
You're more likely to end up with morning sickness if you're carrying twins (or more!), or have experienced it in an earlier pregnancy. Also, if you've ever experienced nausea or vomiting with birth control pills, then you can expect to have morning sickness with this pregnancy (and hopefully be pleasantly surprised when you don't!).
To lessen your symptoms, buckle down and focus on cleaning up your diet. Skip greasy spicy foods, drink lots of water, eat several small meals throughout the day, take plenty of naps. For those of you without morning sickness: bask in the fact you're just one of the lucky 20% of pregnant women who never actually experience morning sickness, you lucky non-puker, you!

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