Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mucus Plug?

So this might be TMI, but I wanted to document it since I can't FIND an answer anywhere on the if this helps someone so be it :)

I *think* I might have lost my mucus plug or something similar Friday - Saturday. It definitely seemed like what I would be looking for if I was full term. But I tried searching it in terms of miscarriage and found really nothing helpful. So if someone knows let me know. Do you have one this early on? And is it a sign things are close to happen when you loose it?

I can also say that today I had some rather sharp ones that very much reminded me of the ones I had just before they broke my water with Emilie (after the broke my water it was INTENSE) I'm taking it as a sign that things are probably getting under way...I'm going to predict by the end of the week perhaps? I'm also slightly dilated...about another indicator I hope. The cramps weren't that close however...just random I don't think it's that close..but who knows.

If I were carrying a baby that had passed I think I would feel differently. Grant it I still very much feel this is a's something we were so happy about, planning for and preparing for and it was gone when we found out there was no baby at all. We did fertilize an to me it's a true pregnancy...but again I think if I were carrying an actual little bean that I saw on a ultrasound I wouldn't be in a hurry for it to truly be over...maybe not..but right now I'm seeing this as just holding me up...I know I have to go through the miscarriage and then two cycles before TTC again...and that seems like FOREVER in my head right now. So I want to press through this so I can move on to the next phase....when the miscarriage actual happens and I have a "birth" day for little owl I will probably be upset...but right now I feel like I'm just stuck in a limbo that I need to break out of. 

1 comment:

  1. I was 11 weeks 3 days pregnant when I lost something that was (TMI) yellowish and liquid that came out in about the size of two quarters. I had no idea that anything was wrong and just thought that it was normal pregnancy stuff, but now that I lost the baby a few days later, I believe that it was the mucus plug. And I do believe you have something that early, because I know the exact day that I got pregnant, and when my ex-SO and I had sex a few days after the baby was concieved, my cervix was tender and hurt, so I believe the cervix forms a "plug" and closes tight.
