Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Our Little Blighted Ovum

Not sure how to process the info yet, but today we found out there Herne Baby 3 is not meant to be. That rather it's a blighted ovum. Which happens early on in that the cells that divide to create the baby didn't exactly work out right and so no baby formed. But we did fertilize an egg and one did implant. The good news it's rare to have it happen again. But I feel sort of torn. Is a blighted ovum a baby? Is it nothing. From the moment I got the positive pregnancy test I thought it was a baby, then the ultrasound showed maybe two babies (it's due to the weird shape the sac took as to why it looked like two), to now the news no baby really formed. So yes it's a loss, but a loss of what?

1 comment:

  1. I had a blighted ovum in 2009. I didn't find out until I went to my first doctor's appointment around 11 weeks and my ultrasound showed a 5 1/2 week pregnancy. My doctor said there could have been a baby that was not visible in the ultrasound.
    The good news is I tried again 3 months later and had a beautiful baby girl in 2010.
    I am so sorry for your loss! My heart goes out to you - may you find peace!
